Monday, April 02, 2007

Online Poker and the IPhone

The World Series of Poker gave away a prize of 12,000,000 dollars last year to a single winner. Many of the players at the final table were online poker players. Poker has taken the nation by storm. When ESPN, a sports reporting station is putting full coverage on such a high stakes game you know it has gotten quite popular. With the popularity you now have so many choices when it comes to playing poker online that it sometimes becomes very confusing.

Well there is a website that can help you navigate through some of the mystery around what online gaming site to choose from while catering to a small but inventive group of people. is a website that teaches you about the exciting game of online poker. Yes, it is geared toward mostly mac users but it has articles and news stories about the online gaming industry as a whole that keeps you coming back for more information.

I for one don't own a Mac and really have not been too in a rush to get one until Steve Jobs unveiled the IPhone. I was so impressed with his demonstration of this nifty new cell phone I crossed over from my PC world and took another gander at an IBook to use for my blogging and creating videos for You tube .

What I ultimately found out is that online poker players are really big mac and pc users. But what really surprised me to hear is that mac poker players get more girls/women then the pc poker players. Well, I don't know if that is altogether true statement but I do know that if I had a Mac and wanted to stay current on all the happening in the Mac world when it comes to online gaming is the site for me.

The release date of my IPhone is not until June 15, 2007 but you can see and become more aware of all your online poker needs right now at